Research Institute "Gidropribor", which is part of the national company "Kazakhstan Engineering", along with the design and manufacture of products, offers services for its maintenance and repair. One example of this work is the organization at the production base of the institute of a new laboratory for service and routine maintenance of underwater robotics for the needs of the Kazakh Navy, in particular, underwater vehicles of the ECA Robotics company (France).
A specialized room has been allocated to house the laboratory, and the necessary equipment, instruments and instruments have been purchased. The laboratory provides for dismantling and assembling various modules of the device for the purpose of their repair or replacement, conducting leak tests, ballasting, and charging batteries. That is, all types of work to restore the functionality of the device.
The presence of a laboratory is especially important when developing innovative high-tech products with the participation of a foreign partner, as it allows for routine maintenance to be carried out on site, without transporting equipment outside of Kazakhstan and without involving foreign specialists. At the same time, the time, material and financial costs for restoring the performance of equipment are significantly reduced, and hence its combat readiness is increased.
At the next stage, it is planned to certify the laboratory and train personnel in the repair and maintenance of underwater robotics. In the future, on the basis of the laboratory, it is possible to localize the production of underwater vehicles of the ECA Robotics company in Kazakhstan.
A laboratory for the maintenance of underwater robotics was opened at the Kazakh Research Institute "Gidropribor"