About enterprise
On the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 996 of April 14, 1947, the All-Union trust for explosive works "Soyuzmeliovzryv" was formed with offices in the Union republics. The Kazakh Republic of the All-Union trust "Soyuzmeliovzryv" started working on the basis of Order No. 16 of May 21, 1947 of the Main Department of Water Management of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR.
On the basis of the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh USSR No. 434 dated March 26, 1958 and the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Kazakh USSR No. 71 dated March 31, 1958, it was reorganized into an independent "State Specialized Trust for the production of drilling and blasting operations "Kazakhvzryvprom" with a network of self-supporting units of the trust:
- Almaty Specialized Management,
- Karaganda Specialized Department,
- Kostanay specialized management.
Due to the increase in the volume of work in the regions, by order of the Ministry of Installation and Construction of the Kazakh SSR No. 291 dated November 15, 1990, the Kazakhvzryvprom trust was transformed into the state republican specialized association Kazakhvzryvprom (RGSO) with nine regional divisions.
On the basis of the specialized association "Kazakhvzryvprom", the State Joint Stock Company "Zharylys" was established, which on September 14, 1994 was issued a certificate of its entry into the State Register of the Republic of Kazakhstan under No. 56602. The regional state–owned enterprise, which became part of the company, was given the status of legal entities - subsidiaries, their territorial registration by regions was carried out.
Government Decree No. 1296 dated 24.11.1996 "Issues of state regulation in the field of production and provision of industrial explosive materials to enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan" instructed the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on State Property Management to terminate the rights of the SAC "Zharylys" to own,
the use and management of state property, on the basis of which to recreate the Republican State Enterprise (RSE) "Kazakhvzryvprom" with a hundred percent state asset. 9 (nine) territorial production departments (TPU) were transferred to the Kazakhvzryvprom RSE.
On March 2, 2001, by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 316, Kazakhvzryvprom RSE and its state-owned subsidiaries were reorganized into an open joint stock company with one hundred percent state participation in the authorized capital, i.e. Kazakhvzryvprom JSC with branches in the regions. By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 882 dated September 3, 2010 "On improving the system of state control over the disposal of ammunition of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the rights of ownership and use of the state block of shares of Kazakhvzryvprom Joint Stock Company were transferred to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 3, 2014 No. 1166 dsp "On some issues of the Kazakhvzryvprom Joint Stock Company, Kazakhvzryvprom JSC was renamed into Kaztechnologies JSC.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17.06.2019 No. 24, issues in the field of defense industry, participation in the unified military-technical policy, implementation of military-technical cooperation, formation, placement and execution of the state defense order were transferred to the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 17, 2019 No. 773 "On certain issues of the Joint Stock Company "National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering" (Kazakhstan Engineering)". The state block of shares of the joint-stock company "Kaztechnology" in the amount of 100 (one hundred) percent was transferred to pay for the shares of the joint-stock company "National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering".